Coaches Blog: Coach Flowers & Coach Haydn


As many of our families know, we had to make the hard decision to cancel our Spring Recreational Season this year. Our recreational program has been an integral part of the communities of Rancho Penasquitos and Rancho Bernardo for 30 years, so we hated to see our rec players not have an opportunity to hit the fields this spring.

We know that youth sports are an invaluable benefit physically, mentally, and emotionally for our kids. That is why as Directors of Recreational Soccer programs, we have developed a solution that we feel will provide a great experience for the kids this fall while ensuring that they receive quality instructions that will help them learn and enjoy the game in a safe environment. 

We will be working with a group of competitive coaches to get our Rec players out and active and continuing to develop their skills and love of the game. The program is built to enable pivoting to game play at such a time it becomes available. What is important to us, is that we provide some kind of service to our recreational players and families this fall. 

Our recreational programs serve different purposes for our participants. The program is key to starting off our very young age groups to prepare them for future competitive play and for many of our players, it is an opportunity for players to engage in the sport in a low-pressure, organized environment with friends. Whatever the reason, we want to provide a space for anyone interested in the game.


We both coach in the competitive program in addition to our roles as Recreational Directors and we know how valuable this program and our players are to the foundation of our future competitive players and teams. We believe in its value and hope you will consider joining us this fall or next spring again!

Jim Flowers, Director or RB Rec  
Haydn Mitchell, Director of PQ Rec

More information can be found about the programs here:

Register for fall Rec Soccer here: