SDSC End-of-Season Celebration & Award Winners

This past Sunday San Diego Soccer Club players and families gathered at Westview High School to celebrate a fun and successful season for all teams. We would like to announce the following winners of our Coach O Award and Above and Beyond recipients.

Player of the Year - The “Coach O” Award


Zhang Ouying, or “Coach O” we all knew her, was a SDSC coach for many years, and before that, a great player who at one time was one of the best female soccer players in the world and played in several World Cups and several Olympic games. We lost her a year ago this month. Coach O left a lasting impact on her teams. Before her funeral last year, Director of Coaching Pete Stogsdill spoke with several of the girls who had played for to find out what Coach O meant to them. One of the stories they brought up about Coach O was during a game when they were playing a team that was far better then them; they came in to half time defeated and kind of giving up on the game. Coach O said to them at halftime, "Anyone can play against an easy team and look good, what matters is how you perform against the good teams. Performing against tough competition is when your true character comes out." Coach O always taught her kids about soccer and how to play the game, but most importantly she taught them the value of hard work, perseverance, and dedication. This year, SDSC has renamed our Player of the Year (Coaches Award) to the Coach O Award. Coaches were asked to select a player on their team that best fit these characteristics that Coach O always valued and taught to her players: integrity, determination and grit. We are proud to recognize the following Coach O award winners:

Jacob Jestand, B2008 Bronze
Nick Gizzo, B2008 Copper
Cameron Berk, G2007 Navy
Genni Smith, G2007 White
Alena Yee, G2007 Black
Diego Rocio, B2007 DA
Landon Cutts, B2007 Orange
Hudson Fleming, B2007 White
Ian Lin, B2007 Black
Anthony Bustillo, B2007 Gold
Kaitlyn Trinh, G2006 Navy
Maria O’Brien, G2006 Orange
Macey Naritomi, G2006 White
Saranya Anandakumar, G2006 Black
Justin Vo, B2006 DA
Dylan Laipenieks, B2006 Orange
Jack Hubschmitt, B2006 White
Theo Huntalas, B2006 Black
Rachel Handy, G2005 Navy
Violet Santiago, G2005 Orange
Jaylynn Araujo, G2005 Black
Isaac Renfro, B2005 Navy
Jaden Nisperos, B2005 Orange
James Von Dyl, B2005 White
Dylan Gage, B2005 Black
Daniel Crane, B2005 Gold
Lani Whitmer, G2004 Navy
Alyssa Leano, G2004 Orange
Fiona Hastings, G2004 White
Elliott Hill, B2004 Navy
Sean Johnson, B2004 Orange
Alexis Martinez, B2004 White
Francie Poliski, G2003 Navy
Ashley Molina, G2003 Orange
Amanda Kramer, G2003 White
Isabella Divona, G2003 Gold
John Osika Prado, B2003 Navy
Jack Reed, B2003 Orange
Ian Von Dyl, B2003 White
Jeremiah Yates, B2003 Black
Madyson Damron, G2002 Navy
Jonas Kingery, B2002 Navy
Evan Mallari, B2002 Orange

Jayve Desai, B2013 Navy
Adrian Liu, B2013 Orange
Eli Heidari, B2013 White
Morgan Nguyen, G2012 Navy
Carson Sullins, B2012 Navy
Eason Jin, B2012 Orange
Dane Reuter, B2012 White
Halle Gharst, G2011 Navy
Hayley Rearrdon, G2011 Orange
Eric Chen, B2011 Navy
Braeden Quinn, B2011 Orange
Levi Liu, B2011 White
Zachary Tran, B2011 Black
Cole Ceresia, B2011 Gold
Keane Nguyen, B2011 Silver
Melissa Ochoa, G2010 Navy
Hayden Wheeler, G2010 Orange
Avery Peckham, G2010 White
Olivia Goodman, G2010 Black
Izaiah Jiminez, B2010 Navy
Fabian Ortega Chavez, B2010 Orange
Killian Goltz, B2010 White
Grant Eisner, B2010 Black
Santiago Troche, B2010 Gold
Sophia Ayala, G2009 Navy
Nehah “Squish” Melendez, G2009 Orange
Rebecca Johnson, G2009 White
Gabriella Walkley, G2009 Black
Caden White, B2009 Navy
Greyson Miller, B2009 Orange
Andre Diaz, B2009 White
Leonardo Martinez, B2009 Black
Luke Romero, B2009 Gold
Zhangir Akhmejanov, B2009 Silver
Callie Miller, G2008 Navy
Lily Alejo, G2008 Orange
Diana Osika Prado, G2008 White
Dane Christensen, B2008 Navy
Logan Wuchner, B2008 Orange
Gavin Bibler, B2008 White
Nicholas Bardaro, B2008 Black
Quinn Meisel, B2008 Gold
Kaden Khoury, B2008 Silver

The Terri Moran “Above and Beyond” Award

Presented to those at SDSC who have gone above and beyond this season:

  • Terri Moran, Registrar and VP of RB Rec Soccer

  • Heather Fleming, Manager Coordinator and Manager of B2007, B2009 White and B2012 White

  • Chuck Eaton, Coach of B2011 White and B2009 Navy

  • Susan Davis, Treasurer and Manager of G2007 Navy

  • Shannon Cafagna, Social Media Manager and Manager of B2005 Navy

  • Sherif Salem, Coach of G2008 Orange

  • Mike Lopez, Coach of G2007 Orange and B2007 White

  • Peter Stogsdill, Director of Coaching, Club Scheduler, Premier Tournament Director, and Coach of G2007 Navy and G2003 Navy

  • Kendall Brown, Manager of G2006 Orange and G2004 Navy

  • John Napier, Age Group Coordinator, USSDA Coordinator, and Coach of B2005 Orange and B2004 Orange

  • Niall Johnston, Volunteer Coach of B2002 Navy

Loyalty Player Awards

For SDSC players who have spent their whole soccer career dedicated to San Diego Soccer Club! We recognize Olivia Lee, Tayler Stogsdill, Sean Burcin, Nathan Leigh, Evan Mallari, Jacob Miller, and Lorenzo Paroline.